Register with AccountTracker


1.      Navigate to

2.      Click on ‘Register’ in the top right hand corner.

3.      Either a) use another service – such as Google or Microsoft – to log in or b) create a login using an email address and password.


3a. Use another service to log in.

1.      Click on one of the buttons under the heading ‘Use another service to log in’.

2.      Login to the external account if you are not already logged in and allow AccountTracker to use the external service to authenticate. The screens for this depend on the provider.

3.      Enter the company name (if you are not the first in your company to register, be sure to use the exact same company name as the first registrant) and click Register.


3b. Create a login using an email address and password.

1.      Enter a valid email address, company name (if you are not the first in your company to register, be sure to use the exact same company name as the first registrant) and password and click ‘Register’.


Once you have registered, your account will need to be confirmed. If you are the first person to register for your company then you will be sent an email which lets you confirm yourself. If you are registering for a company that is already registered then you will need to be confirmed by one of the existing users for your company (they will all receive an email asking them to confirm your login).

Once confirmed, you can use the platform.